On the loss of Backstage reviews

So, last week word went out that Backstage 86ed their reviews, and it appears that the immediate kerfuffle has died down. There were loads of different reactions, from the “Wait, Backstage reviewed?” variety, to dispirited statements from many small...

Ad sales for the bloggy sort

I know loads of bloggers. I do PR. I’m a blogger. It kind of goes with the territory. A lot of bloggers aren’t making money off of their blogs. (Hello Captain Obvious!) But, of course, they would like to be. When you think about it, upstart bloggers and upstart...

On fancy lunches, and Church vs. State

Have you ever had a meeting with the advertising sales people of a publication? I have. And as someone who deals with the editorial side daily, sitting across from an ad sales rep is kind of mind-blowing. If you are talking about signing a fairly lucrative contract,...