On the loss of Backstage reviews

So, last week word went out that Backstage 86ed their reviews, and it appears that the immediate kerfuffle has died down. There were loads of different reactions, from the “Wait, Backstage reviewed?” variety, to dispirited statements from many small...

OMG! Negative Reviews!

I recently dealt with the second scenario, and was asked that the web outlet pull the review entirely. Don’t ever do this. That is taking a big giant dump on the free press. Call your mom and sob. Go out for lots of drinks with your BFF and talk about how the critic...

On altruism and self promotion…

The horrific situation in Japan just keeps getting scarier and scarier, and I am sure they will need piles of assistance from the global community to rebuild after a tragedy of this scale. But I can’t help be a little cynical. Because when disaster strikes and...