On the loss of Backstage reviews

So, last week word went out that Backstage 86ed their reviews, and it appears that the immediate kerfuffle has died down. There were loads of different reactions, from the “Wait, Backstage reviewed?” variety, to dispirited statements from many small...

Considering the “Reader Review”

My friend emailed this Lombardi marketing piece to me this week, with the subject line: “is ‘write a review’ naff?” He was talking about the Reader Review section of the New York Times, where regular people (like you and me!) can add our two...

Synergy. Say what?

Today, I guest blogged for Mark Blankenship’s excellent pop culture blog The Critical Condition. While the post looks at Nickelodeon’s Tween TV show Big Time Rush, and discusses Viacom’s move into a more synergistic space with the various media...